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Getting close to the end of the year!

by Tammy Campbell on 09/16/13

Where did the time go and boy did it go by fast!  My last post was in April so alot of thing have been going on since then.  I will start with the May 24-26 Ultra4 Glen Helen race-Both Shannon and Wayland raced. Its never a dull moment with Campbell Racing. Shannon was out front when a PS hose blew, he managed to go through a ditch, hit a tree, a chain link fence and then the travel trailer we had rented.  I happened to be standing at the back of the trailer and almost toppled over.  Not expecting to see Shannon laying on the ground I was pretty freaked out.  Needless to say we all know Shannon is not a quitter. He was in pain but fixed the hose and took some aleve and got back on the track.  All the while Wayland and Miller were racing their hearts out and had moved into 2nd place.  Before Shannon would go to the hospital he wanted to see Wayland get his award.  We were all pretty proud.  As for Shannons feet-ended up with 3rd degree burns on both feet and ankle.  Spent 12 days in the Maricopa County Burn Unit.  The doctors and staff there were wonderful and we Thank them everyday.  

The race at the Badlands in Attica was coming fast and Wayland would be Shannons back up driver.  Shannon qualified and started the race and then handed it over to Wayland.  This was Waylands first time driving the 1 seat IFS.  Falling back just a bit Wayland finally got a feel for the car and gradually worked his way back up towards the front. When Wayland crossed the finishline you could only see his white teeth. He asked how he finished and when we told him he was 1st it was a pretty proud and muddy "hug" moment.  
Its always nice to go to the Miller Motorsports Park in Tooele, UT. Both the #5az & #3az would be racing.  Shannon kept tipping over in the same spot during qualifying and the main but managed to pull off a pretty cool 2nd place.  Rick Mooneyham and Brian Smith were on a mission and took the top spot for the weekend.  Wayland and Miller were looking to get on the podium but on the last lap broke and upper A-arm and still finished in the top 10.
In August Shannon took a trip across the pond to watch the King of the Valleys and cheer on Lucky Dog Racing's Levi Shirley.  He was able to do a little sight seeing and then be able to be a part of the race by jumping in the Co-driver seat for Chris Abel and then waiving off the drivers for the start of the race.  Cheers!!!!
The Superlift Park in AR would be the last stop for Ultra4 until the PSC Nationals.  Shannon finished in 7th after having some issues. if it wasn't for Ben Dinkins he would probably still be upside down.  Thanks Ben!  After the race the Rockbouncers and Ultra4's would take turns running up a steep nasty hill to see who would have the fastest time.  For his 1st run Shannon made it in 37 sec and on his 2nd run 32 sec.  With combined times Shannon took 1st.  All I heard about when he got home was about the hospitality from the Park owners, volunteers and the locals.  Always a good time racing back east.